Blessings, Big and Small #2-7

This is an installment in the Blessings, Big and Small series.

I am far behind on my blessings. Sorry about that! I will probably start posting my blessings weekly or bi-weekly. This one is going back about two weeks. I have them in the order as they happened.

~The opportunity to spend the night at my parents’ house when Mister is at drill. You can read about my weekend here and here.

~A husband that will stay home from work to take care of me due to the lack of meds. He walked me to wherever I needed to go, cooked all the meals, and kept me somewhat sane while I was meds-less.

~A husband that will fight with Express Scripts, Tricare, and CVS to get me the proper meds since some things were messed up along the way. He was victorious!

~Feeling well enough to go to the gun show with my Love. It was so nice to do something he enjoys!

~Dinner out with family for my mom’s birthday. We had hibachi, and it was delicious!!!!! Plus, I was able to see some family I do not get to see much.

~A spiritual leader/friend in our church that calls to check on us and see how we are doing when we miss services. We have never really had a church home like that.

~My parents’ treating us to Dairy Queen after Mister’s basketball game.

~Having our own washer and dryer. I am three weeks behind on laundry but am almost caught up. We did not have our own when we were first married. We washed clothes at my parents’ house. But thanks to some awesome people, we have our own, and I am loving it!

I think that is all for now!

What blessings has God brought your way?

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