An Amazing Love

Dear Momma,

Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy! Today is all about you. You worked so hard while I was growing up to care for everyone and still do. You taught me about life and to find the good in the struggles. Thank you for your amazing love!



A Different Kind of Mother

Mother’s Day is tomorrow. It is a day some are elated about, and a day a lot have been dreading.

You may ask why some dread Mother’s Day, but let me point out some things that most do not think about on this special day.

Miscarriage, loss of a child(ren), infertility, passing of a mother: these are just some main reasons why Mother’s Day is dreaded.

A woman that carries a child in her womb whether it be for a few short days, weeks, or month and loses her dear child is still a mother. She felt the love of a mother. This woman feels the same pain as the mother who loses a child.

It has been said that a child should never die before their parents, but it happens more than anyone would like. The pain parents feel is an unbearable pain I am sure. They integrate their child’s life into their lives and continue to live a “normal” life. Even though a child has passed does not mean that mother suddenly stops being a mother. She will always be a  mother.

Think of the woman that has dreamed of becoming a mother since she was a little girl. All she wants is a baby to rock, nurse, and sing to. All she wants is a youngster to chase around and teach. All she wants is a teenager to talk about crushes, teach how to drive a car, and help shop for prom. All she wants is to help plan a wedding and hold her grandchildren. All she wants is a child to love and watch grow. She wants all these things but cannot have them. She has the heart of a mother.

For someone who has lost their mother, seeing other children with their mother can be tremendously hard. Loneliness and jealousy may arise.

Those who find Mother’s Day hard may just avoid the whole day all together. So on this Mother’s Day, do not forget those who have lost or cannot have children. Do not forget those without their mothers. You could make a big difference in their lives by just remembering.


Remember and honor those mothers who have passed on.

Happy Mother’s Day! Especially to those who find this day hard because of miscarriage/loss of child(ren) and/or infertility.



*Children: From birth to death because we will always be children to our parents no matter our age.



A Sisterhood Unlike Any Other

Sisterhoods. Most people think of fraternities in college, but I want to introduce you to another sisterhood.

This is a sisterhood that is really stands the test of time. This is a sisterhood that only a special few belong to. This is a sisterhood I love.

Military spouses across the globe make up this sisterhood. This sisterhood is made up of every nationality, of men and women, of spouses of different backgrounds.

The Yellow Ribbon Sisterhood, as my great friend, Aprille, calls it, is a sisterhood unlike any other. The bond of military spouses is something that cannot be explained though many try. It is a bond that one has to experience to understand.

Being a part of this sisterhood is my favorite part of being a military spouse. It is more than just being friends with another military spouse. Friends is really a cheap word to describe it because they are so much more than that. They are my family, and even that does not describe it well enough. They would walk through hell and back with me. There are hundreds I could call, whether I have met them or not, at a moments notice for whatever I need. I know my sisters and brothers will be there for me just like I would be there for them.

Forget college fraternities–They do not have anything on us!

So on this Military Spouse Appreciation Day, I want to give a big hug and kiss to every single one of my sisters and brothers! This life would stink without you. You deserve so much in this world. Thank you for standing by your man/lady. Treat yourself to a spa day/sports day! Love y’all!

Yellow Ribbon Sisterhood


Sorry for my Absence!

Hey, y’all! Just wanted to say, “I’m BAAAAAAAAAACK!” Sorry for my absence. I was taking a little break. I believe every once in a while a technology break is needed in my life. I was hardly on my netbook at all over the past month. I did use Facebook on my phone though, but I do not really see that as cheating.

Anyways, I am back in the blogging groove (maybe?). Be on the look-out for new posts!

Have a fantastic day!!!

Marriage Tip #2

This is an installment in the Marriage Tips series! You can read marriage tip #1 here.

Always argue fair!

The first marriage tip was to laugh so much you do not have time to argue. What I simply meant by that was spend as much time as possible together having fun, making memories, and building your relationships.

But sometimes arguments happen and are necessary. What tends to happen is the arguments become so intense that each side begin to disrespect the other side. Since we are humans, we are fallible; but today, I want to remind you how to argue fair because it is very possible to have constructive arguments and still work on a solution to the problem.

1. Pray.

If you begin to have a problem with your spouse, pray about the situation first. Ask God to help restore the marriage and for forgiveness for your wrongdoing. Praying before an argument can give you peace of mind, makes sure you remember how to argue fair, and puts your marriage in His perfect hands.

2. Do not ignore the problem.

Every marriage has problems, even yours! We are sinners which means we do things wrong. If your spouse has hurt you, go to them. Tell them. Sometimes, they might not even realize they hurt you. Do not harbor hurt and anger because bitterness with grow rapidly which will destroy your marriage.

3. Do not call your spouse names.

This is definitely not helpful to get your point across! Credibility, trust, and respect starts to break down as soon as the name calling begins. If you are tempted to call your spouse a foul name, just bite your tongue! Remember the saying you were taught as a child: “If you cannot say something nice, do not say anything at all!” This well-known saying is so important, especially in marriage.

4. Do not raise your voice.

This is one of those things that just happens as tempers flair, but it can also cause more problems. Soon, an argument to solve a problem just turn into a screaming match. Screaming matches do not solve problems. Work on staying calm, cool, and collected.

5. Listen to your spouse.

Listening to your spouse is always the most important thing to remember during an argument. They are trying to get their point across just like you are. Allow your spouse to speak without interruption. There are always multiple sides to every story. You are not always right! Remember, there is a huge difference between just hearing your spouse and truly listening. Along with listening to their words, listen to their heart. More times than not, there are things your spouse is not verbally saying. Dig deeper and listen to what is or is not being said.

6. Take a break.

This do not mean separating. I simply mean that if things become heated (ie: name calling, screaming, and not listening), go into another room for a few minutes for a short breather. Count to ten, calm yourself down, then go back to your spouse to resume solving the problem. Sometimes this is tremendously important so you do not say something you will regret or disrespect your spouse in any way. Sometimes arguments will last days, weeks, months until a solution is reached.

7. Do not give your spouse the silent treatment.

First of all, the silent treatment is so beyond juvenile. So seriously, grow up! It bothers me greatly when I see people giving their spouse the silent treatment.

Second, the silent treatment does not solve anything. It just drags on an argument unnecessarily. Giving the silent treatment is extremely rude to your spouse and shows them that you do not care about them, the marriage, solving the problem, and building the relationship.

8. Make up.

When a solution has been reached, it is time for the fun part–making up! Just a simple hug and kiss or something more can restore the intimacy.

The goal when arguing is to find solutions to problems! Arguing can build a relationship if you argue fair. Also, your children are watching/listening when you argue with your spouse. You are teaching them how to solve problems whether you realize it or not.

Do you think there is such a thing as arguing fair? What other tips would you add on how to argue fair?

Blessings, Big and Small #8-22

This is an installment in the Blessing, Big and Small series.

Over the past couple weeks, God has blessed me beyond measure yet again! Here is how:


8. Mister being able to participate in half of Bethel Baptist Church’s basketball season.

9. My parents treating us to the last after-basketball Dairy Queen.

10. A new Vera Bradley hipster purse with matching wallet.

11. An off-the-hook birthday!

12. Celebrating a RISEN Saviour!

13. Dinner with family I have not seen in a while. There were lots of laughs as always.

14. Lots of giggles of Noel in her Easter dress. Mister cannot believe I bought a dress for Noel for Easter. He was mortified! Ha!


15. 79 cent movies at Drug Mart for our first Monday movie night after basketball season.

16. Impromptu date night at a Cavs game.

17. Mister having a day off before a drill weekend.

18. Having a drill weekend that went by fast. That very rarely happens!

19. Awesome weather! I worked on a project for Noel so she can use our full yard without me being outside.

20. Noel kind of learning that it is OK to be outside without me. She freaks out less and less each time.

21. A ginormous yard. Mister and I have never had a yard this big. Living in the country is great 🙂

22. Unexpected last minute local tax refund.


I love counting blessings! God is good all the time!


How has God blessed you in the past few weeks? 


Impromptu Date Night Thanks to the USO

We had been talking about what we wanted to do for a date day/night for the month of April when I received an email from the USO. They had FREE Cavs tickets! I emailed back saying that I would totally take some. So there we are with Cavs tickets. What a perfect date night!

Since it was a Wednesday night game, we were slightly late because we had to drive an hour to the Q Arena.

Our seats were great for being free, and our whole section even won free tickets to a Gladiators game thanks to a fan winning one of the contests! So there is another date night at the end of the month.



So glad we were able to get a date night in and was very unexpected! I love spending time with my Handsome!!!

Thanks, USO!!!

A Perfect Birthday Celebration

I am finally getting around to blogging about my birthday because it has taken me all week to recover physically. After a very busy March, I am ready to slow down but cannot for another couple weeks. Anyways…back to my birthday; I promise this will be my last post about my 21st birthday! Ha!

We woke bright and early last Saturday morning for a fun-filled day, and I was ecstatic! I was finally 21! We got dressed and ready to go quickly. Mister even picked out my clothes for me!

After dropping Noel off at my parents’ house, we headed to McDonalds for breakfast, Half Price Books and Plato’s Closet for some birthday shopping, and the mall for a movie. Before the movie we walked around the mall for a short few minutes and picked up Mister a pair of cargo shorts (because he does not have enough already *sarcasm*) then headed back for The Host. (BTW–The Host was really good! I enjoyed it a lot!!!)

Waiting for The Host to start

Waiting for The Host to start

After the movie, we jetted on back to my parents’ house for the MAJOR surprise. And when I say MAJOR, I mean MAAAAAJOR!!! They even blindfolded me!

On our way to the major surprise. This is what happens when Mister has the camera...Here ya go, Handsome, I put a goofy picture on the blog just for YOU! :)

On our way to the major surprise. This is what happens when Mister has the camera…Here ya go, Handsome, I put a goofy picture on the blog just for YOU! 🙂

Can anyone guess what the surprise was??? Hint: I am a total foodie.

OK, OK–enough with the guessing.

They took me to Dante! Remember my mom’s friend that is the chef? Well, it is his restaurant!

The chef’s table was reserved for us. And for those of you who do not know what is so special about the chef’s table: it is in the kitchen!

We were able to watch the staff in action and talk with Dante all night. The food was fabulous!!! We ordered the 5-course chef’s tasting menu. Did I mention how fabulous the food was?! Oh, wait–I think I did. Well, it is worth repeating several times!

I hardly paid any attention to the rest of the table all night (oops!) because I was so intrigued by the work in the kitchen. But that is also not surprising since it was totally my thing!

We were at Dante for 3 1/2 hours, and it an awesome 3 1/2 hours!!! My family really knows how to plan surprises for me.

1-108 2-143

After the most epic surprise, we headed back to my parents’ house for presents. Then to my in-laws for a small birthday get together and home for the night.

This past week, I set out all my birthday presents on our couch and was amazed at how much was given to me! Spoiled? Very possible. Blessed? Beyond measure!

All my birthday presents!

All my birthday presents!

It was the GREATEST birthday I have ever had! Perfect in so many ways!!! The whole day was jam-packed with stuff I love but, more importantly, people I love!

Thanks, everyone, for a great birthday! It will go down in history 🙂

P.S. Our first winner of the giveaway did not respond, so I have picked a new winner.

Stacey Burke!

Stacey Burke!

I have contacted Stacey. Like before, if she does not respond within 24 hours, I will pick a new winner.

More Than Bunnies, Candy, and Pastel Colors

Easter is so much more. So much more than bunnies. So much more than candy. So much more than pastel colors. These are the things we see all over town around Easter time, but I want the world to know something. It is so much more.

Easter time is celebrating a man that died on the cross but more importantly a man who rose from the grave. This man is Jesus. He had no sin but died to atone for the sins of the world–for every single person.

And He is so much more than “just a man.” He is my Lord. He is my Friend. He is my Saviour.

He is my Saviour because he conquered death. He made a way for me to go to Heaven. He made a way for you to go to Heaven. He can be your Saviour too!

I do not know about you; but when I think of what Easter really means, it is so much more. So much more than we could ever imagine.

Easter is about the cross and the stone that was rolled away.


Happy Resurrection Sunday, dear one!